The Effects of Self-Esteem on Makeup Involvement and Makeup Satisfaction among Elementary Students
Background Makeups covers facial flaws and enhance one’s self-confidence and interpersonal relations. Not only does it serve as clothing for the face, makeup has become a medium that connects human emotion. This study conducted a research on fifth and sixth grade girls to analyze makeup with the intention of appearance enhancement. In other words, the purpose of the research is to elucidate how psychological traits may affect makeup involvement and satisfaction.
Methods The research conducted a survey among fifth and sixth grade girls in elementary school in Busan from November 20th of 2017 to the 30th. A total of 250 copies of the survey were distributed, and 231 copies were collected. With the exclusion of 16 incomplete surveys, 215 copies were analyzed. The data analysis was carried out using the SPSS 18.0 program; factor analysis, regression analysis, and frequency analysis were also conducted.
Results First, self-esteem had two factors, positive and negative self-esteem. Makeup involvement had two factors, pleasure pursuit and trend pursuit. Makeup satisfaction had one factor.
Second, after analyzing the effects of self-esteem on makeup satisfaction in makeup involvement, negative self-esteem showed positive(+) result, while positive self-esteem showed no effect. As to the effects of self-esteem on trend pursuit, positive self-esteem showed positive(+) result, while negative self-esteem showed negative(-) result.
Third, after analyzing the effects of self-esteem on makeup satisfaction, negative self-esteem showed positive(+) result, while positive self-esteem showed no effect.
Conclusions Positive self-esteem tends to lead to a strong desire to follow leading makeup trend, whereas negative self-esteem seeks pleasure through makeups and transform one’s feelings of inferiority and depression into positive emotions. Thus, rather than treating makeup as an act of following a trend or mass media, deep consideration of “how to develop proper makeup involvement and satisfaction could affect elementary students” is necessary for desirable values.
Elementary Students, Self-Esteem, Makeup Involvement, Makeup Satisfaction1. Introduction
Modern society teaches “Outward appearances are the most important assets for women.” In a society where certain facial appearances and figures are credited as beauty, women today are investing heavily on their outward appearance. More notably, young girls and ladies seek for attentions from the surroundings by doing so. Furthermore, these individuals internalize such standards (Renee E., 2017). If a woman thinks her beauty is far from ideal, she would change her appearance with assists of makeup and fashion (Jeon & Lee, 2005).
Makeups covers facial flaws and enhance one’s self-confidence and interpersonal relations. Not only does it serve as clothing for the face, makeup has become a medium that connects human emotion (Lee, 2002).
Young girls tend to experience rapid physical changes in between fifth and sixth year in elementary school and this stage of growth is very important for psychological development such as self-esteem. Individuals’ self-esteem plays a huge role in actions, motivations, achievements, and social relationships. The continuation of low self-esteem in appearance during this period may cause negative effects until adolescence and adulthood (Kim, 2005 b). Makeups create positive changes in appearances and thus enhance self-esteem (Lee, 2002). Once a woman aware that she is being evaluated in her appearances, a significant effort may be seen in order to receive a positive feedback. As the average age of makeup individuals has went down, the size of market for teenage makeup product has grown to 300 billion won (Edaily, 2017.11).
This study conducted a research on fifth and sixth grade girls to analyze makeup with the intention of appearance enhancement. In other words, the purpose of the research is to elucidate how psychological traits may affect makeup involvement and satisfaction.
2. Theory Study
2. 1. Self-Esteem
Self-esteem is a self-evaluation of individual’s own value and ability in either positive or negative fashion (Moon & Yoo, 2003). Positive self-esteem individuals believe in their own worth and expect self-improvement and adapt well with others and surroundings. Thus, they may see stability and achievements in social relationships. Conversely, negative self-esteem individuals may find themselves as the source of self-denial and self-dissatisfaction and heavy reliance to others (Moon & Yoo, 2003).
The evaluations of spending habit based on self-esteem according to the precedent studies are as follows:
Yoo & Park (2009) revealed that negative self-esteem individual seeks for impulsive consumption habit based on emotion according to the self-esteem and apparel consumption behavior research on elementary students of both male and female.
Koh & Shim (1997) revealed that self-esteem of female students of middle school, high school, and college level affected trend and ostentation.
Ford & Drake (1982) revealed that positive self-esteem increased the interested in apparel and self-confidence in female college students according to the research on clothing attitude based on self-esteem.
Moon & Yoo (2003) revealed that positive self-esteem seeks for trend and interest, whereas negative self-esteem seeks for pity or compassion according the research on self-esteem and clothing attitude/makeup.
Based on the precedent studies, positive self-esteem affected trend, interest, ostentatiousness, and self-confidence, whereas negative self-esteem encouraged the joy driven by compassion or impulsive purchases. Therefore, self-esteem, as a whole, created an impact on apparel consumption, clothing attitude, and appearance enhancement. For this reason, self-esteem is also expected to affect makeup consumption.
2. 2. Makeup Involvement
Involvements are things that an individual would find important or have significant interest in (Schiffman & Kanuk, 1994). If certain object were thought to have significant impact to one, he would explore related information and aim to make the ideal decision (Ku & Choo, 1994). The degree of involvement may vary depending on subjects, individuals, and situation (Lee et al. 2014).
Makeup involvement is an involvement in makeup or degree of attention or value achieved through makeup. The younger the age group, makeup involvement seeks for fun and pleasure and mainstream trend (Ku & Choo, 1996).
“Pleasure pursuit” is happiness from purchases of goods (Kang, Park, 2017). Pleasure is one of the most positive emotions human can achieve. Being in a state of pleasure emphasizes on sensual satisfaction and rely more heavily on psychological happiness rather than that of material. Elementary students receive pleasure when purchasing in negative psychological state (Yoo & Park, 2009).
“Trend Pursuit” is the degree of importance of trend (Kim, 2005 a). Trend is established from those who want to be differentiated from others but become popularized when trend followers spread themselves in synchronism. Positive self-esteem seeks for pursuit of distinctiveness to differentiate from others using makeup or attire (Jeong & Chu, 2011). On the other hand, negative self-esteem shows a strong conformity to others and thus desire to be appeared like others rather than own uniqueness. Thus, due to conformity, this type of self-esteem shows trend pursuit attitude (Moon & Yoo, 2003).
As a result, makeup involvement with pursuit of pleasure and trend appears to have variance based on consumers’ psychological traits.
2. 3. Makeup Satisfaction
Makeup satisfaction is a degree of satisfaction of makeup progress or result (Kim, 2013). The psychological effects of makeup may include caress of skin upon contact, completion of hope of transformation, and stress relief or pleasurable tension during makeups (Kim, 2013).
Negative self-esteem, an individual who evaluate his own value and ability negatively, finds superficial satisfaction and self-fulfillment from makeups and thus increases makeup satisfaction as opposed to positive self-esteem, an individual who evaluate his own value and ability positively. In other words, self-esteem appears to play a huge role in makeup satisfaction.
3. Research Methods and Procedures
3. 1. Research Problems
The research problems of this study are as follows.
First, elucidates factors of self-esteem, makeup involvement and makeup satisfaction
Second, elucidates the effects of self-esteem on makeup involvement.
Third, elucidates the effects of self-esteem on makeup satisfaction.
3. 2. Research Methods
The research conducted a survey among fifth and sixth grade girls in elementary school in Busan from November 20th of 2017 to the 30th. A total of 250 copies of the survey were distributed, and 231 copies were collected. With the exclusion of 16 incomplete surveys, 215 copies were analyzed.
The survey used five-point Likert scale and was consisted of modified versions of: 9 questions from the precedent research (Rosenberg, 1965) pertaining to self-esteem, 10 questions from the precedent research (Yoo, 2011) pertaining to makeup involvement, 3 questions from the precedent research (Lee, 2011) pertaining to makeup satisfaction. The demographic characteristics were made up of school year, experience in relationships, monthly budget and occupation of mother (Table 1).
The data analysis was carried out using the SPSS 18.0 program; factor analysis, regression analysis, and frequency analysis were also conducted.
4. Results
4. 1. Factor Analysis of Self-Esteem, Makeup Involvement, and Makeup Satisfaction
Two factors can be found in self-esteem analysis with R2 of 82.307% (Table 2). Factor 1 represents the “positive self-esteem” individuals who answered, “I’m a valuable person.” Factor 2 represents the “negative self-esteem” individuals who answered, “I have nothing to proud about”
Two factors can be found in makeup involvement analysis with R2 of 79.303 % (Table 3). Factor 1 represents the “pleasure pursuit” individuals who answered, “I feel pleasured to be complemented about my appearance after makeup.” Factor 2 represents the “trend pursuit” individuals who answered, “I seek to follow the most recent trends.”
One factor can be found in makeup satisfaction analysis with R2 of 66.775 % (Table 4).
4. 2. The Effect of Self-Esteem on Makeup Involvement
After analyzing the effect of self-esteem on pleasure pursuit, the regression model showed statistically significant meanings (Table 5).
Positive self-esteem did not affect the individual’s pleasure pursuit. This result appeared to have originated from higher propriety in internal values or self-improvement/achievements than changes in outward appearance.
Negative self-esteem (β=.200) caused positive effect(+) on pleasure pursuit. This result matches with that of the research conducted by Yoo & Park (2009); negative self-esteem individuals pursuit their happiness through impulsive purchases. Negative self-esteem may be the source of self-denial, discontent, as well as heavy reliance on others (Moon & Yoo, 2003). Therefore, negative self-esteem seeks for pleasure through makeups and desire to transform negative emotions such as, sense of inferiority and depression, into positive emotions.
After analyzing the effect of self-esteem on trend pursuit, the regression model showed statistically significant meanings (Table 6).
Positive self-esteem (β=.167) caused positive effect(+) on trend pursuit.
Individuals with high self-esteem tend to show their own uniqueness through attire, and makeups in order to stand out from others.
However, negative self-esteem (β=-1.185) caused negative effect(-) on trend pursuit. Individuals with low self-esteem tend to show synchronism with surroundings; having similar makeups and attire from others. Thus, trend following behavior or trend pursuit can be observed due to synchronism.
4. 3. The Effect of Self-Esteem on Makeup Satisfaction
After analyzing the effect of self-esteem on makeup satisfaction, the regression model showed statistically significant meanings (Table 7).
Positive self-esteem did not play a significant role in makeup satisfaction. Conversely, negative self-esteem (β=.193) caused positive effect(+) on makeup satisfaction. Make up is an act that fulfills the gap between the appearances of present and desire, or reality and ideal (Warren Farrell, 2008). Since negative self-esteem is thought to be the source of self-denial and discontent, makeups appear to increase the satisfaction of own appearance, relieve stress, and provide pleasurable tension.
5. Conclusion
The purpose of research was to elucidate psychological effect of self-esteem on makeup involvement and satisfaction on fifth and sixth grade girls.
The summaries of results are as follows.
First, self-esteem had two factors, positive and negative self-esteem. Makeup involvement had two factors, pleasure pursuit and trend pursuit. Makeup satisfaction had one factor.
Second, after analyzing the effects of self-esteem on makeup satisfaction in makeup involvement, negative self-esteem showed positive(+) result, while positive self-esteem showed no effect. As to the effects of self-esteem on trend pursuit, positive self-esteem showed positive(+) result, while negative self-esteem showed negative(-) result.
Third, after analyzing the effects of self-esteem on makeup satisfaction, negative self-esteem showed positive(+) result, while positive self-esteem showed no effect.
Positive self-esteem tends to lead to a strong desire to follow leading makeup trend, whereas negative self-esteem seeks pleasure through makeups and transform one’s feelings of inferiority and depression into positive emotions. Thus, rather than treating makeup as an act of following a trend or mass media, deep consideration of “how to develop proper makeup involvement and satisfaction could affect elementary students” is necessary for desirable values.
This research was limited to certain areas in Busan and fifth and sixth grade girls alone and thus posses the risk of generation fallacy. Also, self-esteem, makeup involvement, and makeup satisfaction may find variance between male and female as the demand of makeup involvement among male students is increasing. A comparison between elementary boy and girl could serve as a meaningful study in the future.
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